Friday, February 17, 2006

Search for Mediocrity

Welcome... "Search for Mediorcity"... a blog about really crap restaurant / cafe / food / drink experiences in Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Restaurants in Canberra are usually just striving for mediocrity - but a lot fail miserably. Whether it be through the lack of competition, the really bad uni-student service, the Canberra people that keep going back to the same dive restaurants, or the occasional weevils in your chicken focaccias (hello - "My Cafe" at Manuka - big shout out to you!) - Canberra has more crappy restaurants, cafes and fast food joints than any other Australian city per capita or square meter.

I am going to blatently "steal" the rating system from the excellent website - - but for food and wine:

1 Bomb:

Almost Tolerable

2 Bombs:

Consistently painful

3 Bombs:

Will require medical attention after dining

4 Bombs:

As good as a poke in the eye with a sharp fork


So gawd-awful that it ruptured the very fabric of space and time with the sheer overpowering force of its mediocrity


Proof that Jesus died in vain

Feel free to post comments, etc to this site. And enjoy our first review - Montezuma's....


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